because having breakfast with you was such fun
Pancakes for one are no fun
Anytime I eat pancakes, I think of that song (Pancakes for One by Of Montreal). Sometimes I just want something sweet and easy for dinner, so usually it's pancakes.

The recipe is so easy and takes no skill whatsoever.
2 cups bisquick
1 cup soy milk (or whatever kind of milk you prefer)
(I also add flax, but it's not necessary)
Mix together, heat on pan like you do for any pancakes.
Bisquick is totally vegan, incase you didn't know. The directions on the box say to add an egg, but I think that is only there so people feel like they are doing a lot more work than is really required. Or maybe because people might not believe that they could make pancakes without eggs? I have no idea.
In the background, I have a smoothie/shake made from frozen bananas, soy milk and chocolate syrup. And behind that is our very messy kitchen table. I swear, it's not my mess!
hey allicia, i found your blog! here's the good vegan pancake recipe w/o bisquick:
Mm. Pancakes are the perfect dinner food.
awesome glass!
pancakes! I didn't know bisquick is vegan, now I can be extra lazy when I want pancakes.
I add that powdered egg substitute when it calls for an egg - makes 'em rise up real nice, but yours look quite fluffy without it!
I used to use that stuff too, but I realized it wasn't necessary.
Bisquick is vegan? Holy crap, that's awesome! I've used a bunch of different vegan recipes to make my own, and they all suck. I think it's just me, though. Bisquick is probably much more difficult to screw up :) Hopefully!
mmm pancakes ^_^
Bisquik isn't vegan! Hello, bleached flour! O_O
Hi! Bleached flour is vegan. It's not bleached with bone char like some sugar is.
Bisquick is not and will never be vegan.. Ingredients: Enriched Flour bleached (wheat flour, niacin, iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid) not vegan. [The iron, thiamin, riboflavin and folic acid come from animal sources in the case of Bisquick, and the flour is bleached, and that requires charred animal bone carbon.]
Partially Hydrogenated soybean and/or cottonseed oil, leavening (baking soda, sodium aluminum phosphate, monocalcium phosphate), dextrose (animal source), salt.. and it's not sea salt, it's bleached white table salt.. also NOT VEGAN.
If you are going to eat this, you can call yourself a ovo/lacto-vegetarian, but refrain from calling yourself a Vegan, because a lot of the things here on your blog are not Vegan at all. And here I thought I found another broke vegan in MA to trade recipes with.. *sigh*
Bleached flour is not bleached the same way that white sugar is. Flour is bleached using chemicals. (
What else in my blog do you see that isn't vegan? I looked through it again to check, but I honestly don't see anything.
Also, I emailed Betty Crocker to verify that it is actually vegan. And you know what? If I find out that it isn't, I will officially announce it here on my blog in it's very own post and thank you for showing me the light. I would thank you by name, but you keep posting as anonymous.
Oh my God! SHUT UP! It's fucking pancakes!
My name is Akiko, I don't have an account here, I already have a blog elsewhere. ^^
But, ask yourself, why would you want to eat something that has been chemically treated? I'm only curious. :) I've been Vegan all my life, so I guess I'm just pretty old school about things, seems the definition of Vegan is changing... :)
This is Akiko again, sorry only can post anonymous. (^_^)
It's not like I eat pancakes everyday. But eating vegan doesn't necessarily mean eating healthy. Take Oreos for example: they happen to be vegan, but unhealthy. Will I eat Oreos once in awhile? Heck yes.
Try Newman-Os, taste just like oreo.. half the fat! Woot! ^^
I went to the most insane website.. EVERYONE knows these guys are crazy about animal rights and things vegan.
I found the Bisquick there, I always grew up on a pure vegan diet, by that I mean my mom did EVERYTHING from scratch and it was organic and if it had some funky scientific name in it, it wasn't going into any family member's body. So it was how I was raised.
So I offer my sincere apologies for my mistake. Bisquick is indeed vegan if you are a vegan that doesn't mind chemical processing. ^^ (in other words, didn't grow up in a house with a purist mother.. haha!)
Take care, and Thanks,
Akiko. ^^
Great pancakes...added a touch of applesauce and delicious! Just found your blog. Just recently started eating vegan and it's been very helpful.
Hey Allicia, thanks for the tip. I'm visiting family this weekend. They don't usually make big family breakfast like I feel are perfect for weekends, so my partner and I wanted to make pancakes for the kids. She's vegan and we thought it would make the most sense to go vegan and see if they like them instead of having to make two batches from the start.
I just wanted to express my sympathies in regard to the snobby comments someone threw at you. I live in Austin and there are some super know-it-all vegans here who would cop similar 'tudes in response to the statement that Bisquick is vegan. But such people also have a tendency to smoke or drink way too much, so. Pot and kettle scenario. :)
THANKS! I'm in Cambodia with limited access to everything and being vegan can mean starving! I found Bisquick at the market and am soo excited to make pancakes tomorrow morning. I figured I would just have to put my veganism aside another time, but now I don't have to.
glad the turn out good without eggs, since I was going to make them that way!
I'm not vegan, but I found this recipe when I realized I had no eggs. These pancakes are so freaking amazing. WHO KNEW Bisquick and soy milk loved each other this much! THANKS :)
Too lazy to buy eggs? Vegan Pancakes it is...
I realize this response isnt exactly timely, but I was in costco yesterday and ran across bisquick mix and realized it's vegan after reading the ingredients! very excited!
wanted to post a comment regarding vegans and chemical processing...what's the connection there?? I'm sure anyone with the sense to pay attention to 'chemical processing' is aware that cooking is a chemical process. since when does vegan mean raw?
Bisquick is on the PETA site as vegan.
I make sweet potato pancakes for my kids using Bisquick. They love them. I use flax, soy milk, pureed sweet potato and cinnamon-no eggs. They are fluffy and delicious :) Good to know Bisquick is vegan.
Vegan in no way means healthy, i eat vegan for strictly ethical reasons, I love me some potato chips and chocolate cake.
Thanks for the awesome info!
Is the distilled monoglycerides made from vegetables or animals?
Thank you so much for the recipe. My maybe-not-so-perfect vegan daughter and no-at-all-vegan son, and my meat-eating husband BOTH loved them, which is usually a tricky thing.
I would love to find a vegan blog that gives me recipes for WHATEVER my reason without judging or labeling people for doing it right or wrong. I can "call myself" whatever I want, as we all can. I often meet vegans who love to tell me (or in my case, my daughter), the "correct" way to be vegan. How about "You do you" and let others be without the "I do it better" attitude. Information is useful, but often the delivery is quite accusatory.
Thanks again :)
Maybe the absolute thing to do is to get another source to test or inspect Bisquick's ingredients. As a person with egg and milk allergy I can tell you that Bisquick makes me sick like I just ate eggs or milk product.
Most traditional pancakes use buttermilk, hence why they are called traditional buttermilk pancakes. But one of my favorite secrets to making your store-bought pancake mix taste homemade is to add some buttermilk or whole milk. As always, flavor is the most important category. Pancakes should be ever so slightly sweet and the perfect base for layering on fruit, syrup, and butter. I usually make chocolate pancake for my family every holiday. Thank you for sharing this delicious pancake recipe with us.
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